Trying to court a woman the old fashioned way will not get you very far in today's world. Sure, they still write stories where this seems to be the way to go, but usually, that is all they are. If you have a woman in mind already, and you want to make her fall in love with you, it's time for some outside the box thinking.
Most guys end up getting hurt by love, simply because they DO try and follow the old school advice that is supposed to work like a charm. But, those are the techniques of yesteryear and you need to be able to toss in a few new techniques to make a woman fall in love with you.
Here are 3 love tips for men who want to woo a woman:
1. Be selective about how often you are available to her.
If you want to get to be like an old habit to a woman, then by all means, go ahead and hang around her and be available every single time that she calls for you. Look it's not being a jerk to have your own life, and in the end, it will make you seem a LOT more attractive if you do. The more she sees you as being a guy that kind of does his own thing, the more attraction she will feel for you. And that is what will make her start to fall for you.
2. Find a way to get her to drop some clues.
Women will kind of tell you exactly what they want and what will make them fall in love, but they won't tell you flat out. They are not going to hand you a roadmap and tell you step by step exactly what to do. However, if you learn to read between the lines and pay attention to things like how she uses her body language, then you can easily put 2 and 2 together and figure out exactly what you need to do to make her fall in love.
3. You have to be able to provoke sexual attraction, plain and simple.
Look, you could do all of the old fashioned things and she could really have a great impression of you. But, in the end if she does not feel sexual attraction, then what do you really have? Nothing more than a close friendship, where you really are crushing on her. And that happens all of the time. You need to be able to provoke sexual attraction or else you will end up being more of a close confidant and nothing else.
if you Want to get more advanced tips and techniques on how to create sexual attraction and make her fall in LOVE with YOU can search in my blog about "how to".. "love", "love tips", "love and relationship", "love is", "love poems".. etc.
good luck...
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What is Love?
Love is confused with many things these days. The Bible defines love clearly in what has been called, The Love Chapter, 1 Corinthians 13. Here's a closer look at love.
People often look for signs of love in the words and behaviours of those around them. But what exactly is love? Is love a box of chocolates, a steamy kiss, or beautiful-sounding words? Love may be expressed in gifts, but genuine love goes deeper. A lot of what is passed off for love may actually have very little to do with love at all. Loving words and loving behaviours can often mask ulterior motives.
Since no one wants to be fooled into giving away their heart to someone who really doesn’t love them, it’s so important to know what love is and what it isn’t. On the other hand, it’s important to realize that no one is perfect and even the most loving people can say unloving words and act in unloving ways from time to time. When that happens, remember, to forgive is divine.
Love is Patient and Kind
According to 1 Corinthians 13: 4, love is “patient and kind”. In today’s fast-paced society, what a precious virtue patience is. Patience is developed by practice through faith. For those who rely upon the Lord and trust that God’s timing is perfect, patience can be seen in the placid countenance and unruffled demeanour amidst the chaos of life.
Patience is a Rare Virtue
Kindness goes along with patience, because kind words and deeds spring from those who understand that they themselves are also imperfect and in need of patience and kindness as well. A person who believes that another human being does not deserve their patience and kindness, does not see the truth about themselves. God in His great kindness reached out to save the imperfect and daily pours out His kindness upon everyone, even those who reject Him.
What Love Is Not
1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 6 also defines what love is not. According to this passage, love is not jealous , boastful, proud, rude, demanding, irritable or grudge-bearing. All these things proceed from a selfish heart and if there’s one thing that love is not, it is not selfish. Selfishness manifested in the sins listed above quenches love and brings out the worst in others.
The Greatest Commandment is "Love"
The antidote for selfishness is love to God and to others. According to Matthew 22: 37 – 39, Jesus said, “’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (NLT)
True love then is borne of selflessness and expressed in consistent kind words and acts. Although there are many definitions of love, the Love Chapter’s definition is both simple and sublime.
People often look for signs of love in the words and behaviours of those around them. But what exactly is love? Is love a box of chocolates, a steamy kiss, or beautiful-sounding words? Love may be expressed in gifts, but genuine love goes deeper. A lot of what is passed off for love may actually have very little to do with love at all. Loving words and loving behaviours can often mask ulterior motives.
Since no one wants to be fooled into giving away their heart to someone who really doesn’t love them, it’s so important to know what love is and what it isn’t. On the other hand, it’s important to realize that no one is perfect and even the most loving people can say unloving words and act in unloving ways from time to time. When that happens, remember, to forgive is divine.
Love is Patient and Kind
According to 1 Corinthians 13: 4, love is “patient and kind”. In today’s fast-paced society, what a precious virtue patience is. Patience is developed by practice through faith. For those who rely upon the Lord and trust that God’s timing is perfect, patience can be seen in the placid countenance and unruffled demeanour amidst the chaos of life.
Patience is a Rare Virtue
Kindness goes along with patience, because kind words and deeds spring from those who understand that they themselves are also imperfect and in need of patience and kindness as well. A person who believes that another human being does not deserve their patience and kindness, does not see the truth about themselves. God in His great kindness reached out to save the imperfect and daily pours out His kindness upon everyone, even those who reject Him.
What Love Is Not
1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 6 also defines what love is not. According to this passage, love is not jealous , boastful, proud, rude, demanding, irritable or grudge-bearing. All these things proceed from a selfish heart and if there’s one thing that love is not, it is not selfish. Selfishness manifested in the sins listed above quenches love and brings out the worst in others.
The Greatest Commandment is "Love"
The antidote for selfishness is love to God and to others. According to Matthew 22: 37 – 39, Jesus said, “’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (NLT)
True love then is borne of selflessness and expressed in consistent kind words and acts. Although there are many definitions of love, the Love Chapter’s definition is both simple and sublime.
It's A Love Thing
Prayer is a love thing. Since the beginning of creation, God has done everything because He loves His creation. All He has ever asked of His people has been for the sake of love, whether it was because He loves them or because of their love for Him. Prayer is a way to show love.
God loved man more than all His creation. He formed man in His own image and breathed His breath of life into him. He created man to have relationship with Him. God wanted man to choose to love Him even as He loved man. He tested man’s love because nothing ever truly loved that wasn’t given the choice to hate.
The Depth of God’s Love and Man’s Failure
The love of Jesus reflects the love of God. He suffered harsh tortures at the hand of those who hated Him so that we could have our rightful place before God. The true depth of such love that would make anyone subject himself to the kind of rejection, torture, and abuse that Jesus suffered for us is almost hard to grasp. Yet, this is the kind of love with which God loves man, and it is the kind of love He wants man to show.
Most believers, if they were truly honest, would not be willing to suffer as Jesus did for the sake of a stranger. Few would suffer such horrors for the sake of fellow church goers, let alone those outside their church. Fewer still would undergo such tortures for someone they don’t like or who doesn’t like them.
Love for One Another
Believers have forgotten what it is to love enough to suffer for others. Perhaps people can learn to love enough to pray for and with each other. Love is a command; prayer for others is part of keeping that command.
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
All Christians, regardless of denomination, are brothers and sisters in Christ, disciples of Jesus. Jesus commands that His disciples love each other as He has loved them. It is love that tells the world who belongs to Him. Prayer for each other is the start of that love.
Love Your Enemies
Jesus’ love for the world caused Him to suffer not only for those who not only didn’t know Him but for those who hated Him as well. His disciples are called to love as He loved. His love was deep enough that He not only died for those who hated Him, but He also forgave them as He hung in terrible pain on the cross. Christians must find enough compassion to pray for those who don’t know Jesus and for those who hate them.
Matthew 5:44-47
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
Jesus loved the righteous and the unrighteous. He ate with the worst of sinners and with the greatest of Pharisees. He prayed for those who loved Him and for those who hated Him. Christians should be willing to do the same.
Prayer is Love and Power, Not Doctrine
Prayer is based on love for the Lord, which translates into love for His creation, all of it. It isn’t about changing denominations or doctrines; it’s about loving as He loves. Prayer is about obeying the Lord because of His deep love for His people. Prayer doesn’t require anyone to change their beliefs; it only requires love and a willing obedience to pray for others.
When Christians pray with and for others, they show a physical desire to love the Lord as He has loved them. When people unite in prayer, the spiritual power of Christians is physically represented. It is love and spiritual power that separates Christians from others. Unfortunately, too many denominations aren’t willing to pray with each other, and the unity and power of the Church is destroyed because of this unwillingness.
The love that pulls Christians together despite differences and is willing to deeply love those who hate cannot be defeated by the world. This is the kind of love Jesus showed. It’s the kind of love God has for His people. It’s the kind of love Christians are expected to show.
It’s Enough To Be Like Him
Prayer isn’t such a deep and physical suffering as Jesus endured, but it is a moment of time given out of love for others. Taking the time to pray with and for others is an act of love and obedience in this busy life. Doing so is, at least to some extent, showing the same love that Jesus has shown.
Matthew 10:24-25
A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.
God loved so much that He gave man choice, something no animal or angel has. Jesus loved so much that He suffered greatly and died for all mankind. God asks nothing but love from His people. Prayer for others is one way Christians can show that love.
Pray for others because you love Him. Love because He loves you. Prayer is, after all, a love thing.
God loved man more than all His creation. He formed man in His own image and breathed His breath of life into him. He created man to have relationship with Him. God wanted man to choose to love Him even as He loved man. He tested man’s love because nothing ever truly loved that wasn’t given the choice to hate.
The Depth of God’s Love and Man’s Failure
The love of Jesus reflects the love of God. He suffered harsh tortures at the hand of those who hated Him so that we could have our rightful place before God. The true depth of such love that would make anyone subject himself to the kind of rejection, torture, and abuse that Jesus suffered for us is almost hard to grasp. Yet, this is the kind of love with which God loves man, and it is the kind of love He wants man to show.
Most believers, if they were truly honest, would not be willing to suffer as Jesus did for the sake of a stranger. Few would suffer such horrors for the sake of fellow church goers, let alone those outside their church. Fewer still would undergo such tortures for someone they don’t like or who doesn’t like them.
Love for One Another
Believers have forgotten what it is to love enough to suffer for others. Perhaps people can learn to love enough to pray for and with each other. Love is a command; prayer for others is part of keeping that command.
John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
All Christians, regardless of denomination, are brothers and sisters in Christ, disciples of Jesus. Jesus commands that His disciples love each other as He has loved them. It is love that tells the world who belongs to Him. Prayer for each other is the start of that love.
Love Your Enemies
Jesus’ love for the world caused Him to suffer not only for those who not only didn’t know Him but for those who hated Him as well. His disciples are called to love as He loved. His love was deep enough that He not only died for those who hated Him, but He also forgave them as He hung in terrible pain on the cross. Christians must find enough compassion to pray for those who don’t know Jesus and for those who hate them.
Matthew 5:44-47
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?
Jesus loved the righteous and the unrighteous. He ate with the worst of sinners and with the greatest of Pharisees. He prayed for those who loved Him and for those who hated Him. Christians should be willing to do the same.
Prayer is Love and Power, Not Doctrine
Prayer is based on love for the Lord, which translates into love for His creation, all of it. It isn’t about changing denominations or doctrines; it’s about loving as He loves. Prayer is about obeying the Lord because of His deep love for His people. Prayer doesn’t require anyone to change their beliefs; it only requires love and a willing obedience to pray for others.
When Christians pray with and for others, they show a physical desire to love the Lord as He has loved them. When people unite in prayer, the spiritual power of Christians is physically represented. It is love and spiritual power that separates Christians from others. Unfortunately, too many denominations aren’t willing to pray with each other, and the unity and power of the Church is destroyed because of this unwillingness.
The love that pulls Christians together despite differences and is willing to deeply love those who hate cannot be defeated by the world. This is the kind of love Jesus showed. It’s the kind of love God has for His people. It’s the kind of love Christians are expected to show.
It’s Enough To Be Like Him
Prayer isn’t such a deep and physical suffering as Jesus endured, but it is a moment of time given out of love for others. Taking the time to pray with and for others is an act of love and obedience in this busy life. Doing so is, at least to some extent, showing the same love that Jesus has shown.
Matthew 10:24-25
A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master.
God loved so much that He gave man choice, something no animal or angel has. Jesus loved so much that He suffered greatly and died for all mankind. God asks nothing but love from His people. Prayer for others is one way Christians can show that love.
Pray for others because you love Him. Love because He loves you. Prayer is, after all, a love thing.
Find Love
Love can start with friendship then transformed into great love with a little help from scientists.
Can true love be found? Can people find love? Or can friendship love be turned into love romance resulting in the ultimate great love?
Finding love is active rather than waiting for it, which is passive. However, it is not easy as finding friends. With a little bit of science, friendships can be enhanced to progress into a more rewarding great love.
Use some ideas from scientific research to love friends, value love and friendship, sustain friendship love and loyalty and then progress to great love. Here are pointers on how to do it.
the Dynamics of Friendship Love
When people find other people and then love them as friends, this is friendship love as opposed to a love romance.
Graduate research professor and social scientist, Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D., in his book Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion (Harper Paperbacks, 2006) notes how people like other people. He then carefully tested these observations with several experiments.
According to Cialdini, the process when total strangers turn into friends is influenced by the following factors:
1. Liking. People begin to like other people if they are similar, are physically attractive, give compliments and cooperate in certain activities.
2. Authority. People like other people with special knowledge or skills.
3. Consistency. People like people who are consistent in their words and deeds.
4. Reciprocity. People are likely to give back when they receive something and will tend to like the giver.
5. Social Proof. People follow what other people have done and will like those that they follow.
The Magnetics of Love Romance
Through magnetic resonance imaging, Aharon, I. and fellow researchers in the scientific study "Beautiful Faces Have Variable Reward Value: fMRI and Behavioral Evidence" published in Neuron in 2001, have discovered that greater neural activity in the left brain indicated liking, which is correlated to physical attraction. Meanwhile, greater neural activity in the right brain indicated wanting, which is correlated to love.
Conversely, all friendships start with liking while love begins with wanting. Wanting is triggered as a need for rewards or something that is suddenly lost or missing. These rewards can be anything from the sight of a beautiful face or the familiar scent of a person.
Finding Love and Transforming Friendship to Romance
How does one find love? These are the process steps:
1. Find friends more efficiently. Social networking sites can help. However, use the dynamics of friendship love to great advantage. Always consider the principles of liking, authority, consistency, reciprocity and social proof.
2. Select a set of new friends that have potential.
3. Invest time and effort in getting to know these friends and give them rewards.
4. After a time, make these friends trigger a need for wanting through controlled periods of absence.
5. Build up the thrill and intensity of getting to know better a select friend for romance.
6. Test for mutuality. When mutuality is present, then true love has bloomed.
7. Sustain love with positive emotions and pleasurable rewards.
Foundations of Great Love
Great love is built on positive emotions, pleasurable rewards and mutual support. While trust is key which is common to friendships, romantic love is basically different in the quality of its emotions, pleasures and mutuality.
Positive emotions sustain great love. Pleasurable rewards differentiate romantic love from friendship love. Most significantly, mutuality transforms friendship into true love.
Can true love be found? Can people find love? Or can friendship love be turned into love romance resulting in the ultimate great love?
Finding love is active rather than waiting for it, which is passive. However, it is not easy as finding friends. With a little bit of science, friendships can be enhanced to progress into a more rewarding great love.
Use some ideas from scientific research to love friends, value love and friendship, sustain friendship love and loyalty and then progress to great love. Here are pointers on how to do it.
the Dynamics of Friendship Love
When people find other people and then love them as friends, this is friendship love as opposed to a love romance.
Graduate research professor and social scientist, Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D., in his book Influence – The Psychology of Persuasion (Harper Paperbacks, 2006) notes how people like other people. He then carefully tested these observations with several experiments.
According to Cialdini, the process when total strangers turn into friends is influenced by the following factors:
1. Liking. People begin to like other people if they are similar, are physically attractive, give compliments and cooperate in certain activities.
2. Authority. People like other people with special knowledge or skills.
3. Consistency. People like people who are consistent in their words and deeds.
4. Reciprocity. People are likely to give back when they receive something and will tend to like the giver.
5. Social Proof. People follow what other people have done and will like those that they follow.
The Magnetics of Love Romance
Through magnetic resonance imaging, Aharon, I. and fellow researchers in the scientific study "Beautiful Faces Have Variable Reward Value: fMRI and Behavioral Evidence" published in Neuron in 2001, have discovered that greater neural activity in the left brain indicated liking, which is correlated to physical attraction. Meanwhile, greater neural activity in the right brain indicated wanting, which is correlated to love.
Conversely, all friendships start with liking while love begins with wanting. Wanting is triggered as a need for rewards or something that is suddenly lost or missing. These rewards can be anything from the sight of a beautiful face or the familiar scent of a person.
Finding Love and Transforming Friendship to Romance
How does one find love? These are the process steps:
1. Find friends more efficiently. Social networking sites can help. However, use the dynamics of friendship love to great advantage. Always consider the principles of liking, authority, consistency, reciprocity and social proof.
2. Select a set of new friends that have potential.
3. Invest time and effort in getting to know these friends and give them rewards.
4. After a time, make these friends trigger a need for wanting through controlled periods of absence.
5. Build up the thrill and intensity of getting to know better a select friend for romance.
6. Test for mutuality. When mutuality is present, then true love has bloomed.
7. Sustain love with positive emotions and pleasurable rewards.
Foundations of Great Love
Great love is built on positive emotions, pleasurable rewards and mutual support. While trust is key which is common to friendships, romantic love is basically different in the quality of its emotions, pleasures and mutuality.
Positive emotions sustain great love. Pleasurable rewards differentiate romantic love from friendship love. Most significantly, mutuality transforms friendship into true love.
Relationship Counseling
Some people might have problems with communicating their need and thoughts. That's when relationship counseling can offer a saving-belt. Difficulties and dilemmas might appear due to the lifestyle as well as job of both parties. People who'll be eager to preserve the strong bond with their partner should which at first seems impossible under certain circumstances should reach out for professional help. In the case of counseling therapists will identify the main causes of doubts and conflicts and would set partners on the right track for a harmonious relationship and the revival of their inner and shepherded emotions.
Role of Relationship Counseling
Observing the life of a couple might not reveal a picture as shiny and happy as the fairy tales portray it. Nowadays people are exposed to various temptations and career seems to also conquer the territory over private life and success in human relationships. However relationship therapists are still here to help those who would like to find a way to get out of the vicious circle of boredom and exhausting conflicts. The secret to be able to choose from the multitude of services they offer is to read through the main role of this modern phenomenon known as relationship counseling.
Relationship counseling first and foremost identifies underlying conflicts and dilemmas. Each party will have the chance to communicate fears, deepest emotions that could influence the condition of the relation with the partner. This is the initial phase that will pave the way for further sessions. The counselor asks various questions that reveal the love and attitude of both partners in order to detect both the willingness to improve this bond and also the main obstacles that appeared in the way of harmony.
Communication skills are polished to perfection in order to be able to secure the harmony of the couple. Throughout the sessions therapists will help you master the numerous techniques and tricks on how to prevent conflicts with pacific solutions. Lack of communication of any kind is often one of the main triggering factors of divorce and breakups. Dealing with the differences in opinions as well as lifestyle is of key importance to establish the necessary conditions for a perfect relationship.
Unresolved issues can be also enlisted among the main reasons for breaking up. Indeed various conflicts might not surface due to the reluctance of one or both partners to discuss a delicate issue. The relationship counseling meeting aims to secure the ideal conditions and atmosphere to be able to outer our needs, emotions be it sad or happy. Professionals will guide us through the way of developing some basic techniques of communicating problems without offending our partner. After confessions solutions will be find to fix the problems.
Knowing ourselves and also the partner is of crucial essence. Though some things might be camouflaged and neglected it is still important to find out more about the changes that took place in the relationship as well as personalities. Some might have created an ideal picture of a harmonious relationship, however it seems that conflicts might weave their way into the life of partners. Learn more about your own personality, the necessities, greatest dreams and expectations. Communicate them openly and accept the ones also confessed by your partner.
Compromises are also important which might not go so smoothly as they do in theory. Relationship counseling teaches people how to negotiate on needs and requirements. Synchronizing the needs of partners might sound impossible, however it can be perfected and improved through time this way avoiding relationship problems. In fact therapists will clarify couples that the common interest of their relationship is what really bounds them to be able to make some compromises. If there's a difference in the measure of the devotion it will be more difficult to achieve this objective.
Therapies vary according to the skills of the therapists as well as the willingness and ability of partners to get through the basic difficulties and more profound conflicts. Those who are keen to work on their relationship might succeed in a shorter period of time. Others would necessitate more sessions and confessions. In general it can last from one month to years. Finding the right therapist is of key importance when it comes of success, and also confidence. Couples who have doubts about the professional abilities of various individuals should instead look through some of the main obligations of relationship therapists.
Relationship Therapist Duties
The personality as well as reputation of the relationship therapist is paramount in order to secure the confidentiality of sessions as well as the trust of partners. These professionals can be found either through the internet , specialized magazines as well as through friends and people who already solicited their help. The key to know what to expect from a counselor it is advisable to skim through the basic duties of relationship therapists.
Confidentiality is one of the basic rules of a successful session. Those who have doubts about the reputation of a certain therapist should contact another professional who meets this basic condition.
Analyzing the relationship from a social and psychological perspective is the base of the skills of therapists. They should have the basic knowledge to provide us with comprehensible explications and information.
Respecting the right to speak openly is another condition that should be guaranteed by the counselor. Each individual should have the chance to utter his/her opinion without any judgment from the other partners.
Improve the bond between partners is one of the basic objectives and roles of a therapists. If partners might detect a cynical or misleading attitude it is wise to change the therapists. Professionals in this domain work for the sake of improving the relationship rather than making hasty judgments.
Feel free to ask for the help of professional relationship counseling if you have problems with your partner. Sometimes it is the only solution to preserve a strong human bond.
Role of Relationship Counseling
Observing the life of a couple might not reveal a picture as shiny and happy as the fairy tales portray it. Nowadays people are exposed to various temptations and career seems to also conquer the territory over private life and success in human relationships. However relationship therapists are still here to help those who would like to find a way to get out of the vicious circle of boredom and exhausting conflicts. The secret to be able to choose from the multitude of services they offer is to read through the main role of this modern phenomenon known as relationship counseling.
Relationship counseling first and foremost identifies underlying conflicts and dilemmas. Each party will have the chance to communicate fears, deepest emotions that could influence the condition of the relation with the partner. This is the initial phase that will pave the way for further sessions. The counselor asks various questions that reveal the love and attitude of both partners in order to detect both the willingness to improve this bond and also the main obstacles that appeared in the way of harmony.
Communication skills are polished to perfection in order to be able to secure the harmony of the couple. Throughout the sessions therapists will help you master the numerous techniques and tricks on how to prevent conflicts with pacific solutions. Lack of communication of any kind is often one of the main triggering factors of divorce and breakups. Dealing with the differences in opinions as well as lifestyle is of key importance to establish the necessary conditions for a perfect relationship.
Unresolved issues can be also enlisted among the main reasons for breaking up. Indeed various conflicts might not surface due to the reluctance of one or both partners to discuss a delicate issue. The relationship counseling meeting aims to secure the ideal conditions and atmosphere to be able to outer our needs, emotions be it sad or happy. Professionals will guide us through the way of developing some basic techniques of communicating problems without offending our partner. After confessions solutions will be find to fix the problems.
Knowing ourselves and also the partner is of crucial essence. Though some things might be camouflaged and neglected it is still important to find out more about the changes that took place in the relationship as well as personalities. Some might have created an ideal picture of a harmonious relationship, however it seems that conflicts might weave their way into the life of partners. Learn more about your own personality, the necessities, greatest dreams and expectations. Communicate them openly and accept the ones also confessed by your partner.
Compromises are also important which might not go so smoothly as they do in theory. Relationship counseling teaches people how to negotiate on needs and requirements. Synchronizing the needs of partners might sound impossible, however it can be perfected and improved through time this way avoiding relationship problems. In fact therapists will clarify couples that the common interest of their relationship is what really bounds them to be able to make some compromises. If there's a difference in the measure of the devotion it will be more difficult to achieve this objective.
Therapies vary according to the skills of the therapists as well as the willingness and ability of partners to get through the basic difficulties and more profound conflicts. Those who are keen to work on their relationship might succeed in a shorter period of time. Others would necessitate more sessions and confessions. In general it can last from one month to years. Finding the right therapist is of key importance when it comes of success, and also confidence. Couples who have doubts about the professional abilities of various individuals should instead look through some of the main obligations of relationship therapists.
Relationship Therapist Duties
The personality as well as reputation of the relationship therapist is paramount in order to secure the confidentiality of sessions as well as the trust of partners. These professionals can be found either through the internet , specialized magazines as well as through friends and people who already solicited their help. The key to know what to expect from a counselor it is advisable to skim through the basic duties of relationship therapists.
Confidentiality is one of the basic rules of a successful session. Those who have doubts about the reputation of a certain therapist should contact another professional who meets this basic condition.
Analyzing the relationship from a social and psychological perspective is the base of the skills of therapists. They should have the basic knowledge to provide us with comprehensible explications and information.
Respecting the right to speak openly is another condition that should be guaranteed by the counselor. Each individual should have the chance to utter his/her opinion without any judgment from the other partners.
Improve the bond between partners is one of the basic objectives and roles of a therapists. If partners might detect a cynical or misleading attitude it is wise to change the therapists. Professionals in this domain work for the sake of improving the relationship rather than making hasty judgments.
Feel free to ask for the help of professional relationship counseling if you have problems with your partner. Sometimes it is the only solution to preserve a strong human bond.
Ways to Make Her Feel Like She's Falling for You
Ever wanted to know how to make a woman feel as though she was falling for you? I know, it's a silly question. Every guy has had that moment in his life at least once where he wished he knew what the exact things to say and do to make a woman feel like she was smitten by him. For most guys, the only thing that they can do is a little trial and error and more often than not, it ends up in error as they do the WRONG things with the right intentions. Are there some love tips that will help you figure out how to make a woman feel as though she is falling for you?
Here's some love advice for guys on how to make a woman fall for you:
Tip 1- Make her feel like you are someone who 'gets' her.
Just about everyone in this world wants to find that person that just seems to get them and accept them for who they are. Well, you can kind of make a woman feel that way by learning how to read her so that you can pick up on clues as to what she likes and how she sees the world. People reveal this kind of stuff all of the time without even realizing it, and as long as you are paying attention, you should be able to figure her out pretty quickly.
Tip 2- Use the power of body language and eye contact to create massive attraction and rapport.
Most communication experts agree that verbal communication is only a very small part of the way that men and women communicate with each other. While all of the other guys are wondering what the right thing to say is, why not be the one that learns how to use both body language and eye contact to make a woman feel a massive amount of attraction and rapport. After all, you need that attraction and rapport if she is going to fall in love with you, right?
Tip 3- Don't shy away from sex talk.
Love without sex is more like a friendship than it is a relationship, so if you want her to fall for you in a way that goes beyond friends... you can't avoid the fact that she needs to want you in a sexual way. Don't shy way from sex talk, in fact, encourage it without making it sound perverted. You need to have that sexual attraction and sexual tension if you want to be more than just her friend.
Here's some love advice for guys on how to make a woman fall for you:
Tip 1- Make her feel like you are someone who 'gets' her.
Just about everyone in this world wants to find that person that just seems to get them and accept them for who they are. Well, you can kind of make a woman feel that way by learning how to read her so that you can pick up on clues as to what she likes and how she sees the world. People reveal this kind of stuff all of the time without even realizing it, and as long as you are paying attention, you should be able to figure her out pretty quickly.
Tip 2- Use the power of body language and eye contact to create massive attraction and rapport.
Most communication experts agree that verbal communication is only a very small part of the way that men and women communicate with each other. While all of the other guys are wondering what the right thing to say is, why not be the one that learns how to use both body language and eye contact to make a woman feel a massive amount of attraction and rapport. After all, you need that attraction and rapport if she is going to fall in love with you, right?
Tip 3- Don't shy away from sex talk.
Love without sex is more like a friendship than it is a relationship, so if you want her to fall for you in a way that goes beyond friends... you can't avoid the fact that she needs to want you in a sexual way. Don't shy way from sex talk, in fact, encourage it without making it sound perverted. You need to have that sexual attraction and sexual tension if you want to be more than just her friend.
How to Get a Girl to Love You - In 5 Easy Steps
If you're trying to find out how to get a girl to love you then you must have read a lot of rubbish online.
There are secret scents and hypnosis techniques that all claim to be the magic formula but when it comes down to it, falling in love is a process that cannot be faked but can be MIRRORED.
When I say mirrored I mean than if you learn the common things that make a girl fall in love you can follow that process and have a much better chance of achieving your goal.
With that in mind I want to pull back the curtain and let your in on the process so you can start to use it right away.
1. Girls want to fall in love - dude, you need to open your eyes. There are millions of girls out there who want to fall in love and want to be loved back. The problem that most guys have is that they focus on just one women and never think about any other girls.
Don't get hung up on just one chick, meet lots of women and you will have a much better chance of finding one who loves you.
2. Don't be impatient - follow the simple pick up process and meet women every day. If you do this for just a month you will get with more girls than ever and if you're not expecting to get married to every girl you meed you will be surprised when something cool happens.
3. Try to stop being so needy and intense.
Don't expect anything from the girl.
4. Be a nice guy - this is an obvious one but the more you are nice to a girl the more she will get to love you.
Hand make her a card on her birthday.
Get tickets to her favorite show.
Make sure you do something nice for her everyday.
5. Space space space - if she wants to go out with her friends be cool about it. Love grows not when people are chained together but when they come together like magnets.
Don't play hard to get or ignore her, but just let her do her own thing and she will love you for it.
Final thoughts.
If you follow all the step in this article you will have a much better chance of working out how to get a girl to love you. Once you meet the perfect woman make sure you continue to show her you appreciate her every day and her love will grow over time.
There are secret scents and hypnosis techniques that all claim to be the magic formula but when it comes down to it, falling in love is a process that cannot be faked but can be MIRRORED.
When I say mirrored I mean than if you learn the common things that make a girl fall in love you can follow that process and have a much better chance of achieving your goal.
With that in mind I want to pull back the curtain and let your in on the process so you can start to use it right away.
1. Girls want to fall in love - dude, you need to open your eyes. There are millions of girls out there who want to fall in love and want to be loved back. The problem that most guys have is that they focus on just one women and never think about any other girls.
Don't get hung up on just one chick, meet lots of women and you will have a much better chance of finding one who loves you.
2. Don't be impatient - follow the simple pick up process and meet women every day. If you do this for just a month you will get with more girls than ever and if you're not expecting to get married to every girl you meed you will be surprised when something cool happens.
3. Try to stop being so needy and intense.
Don't expect anything from the girl.
4. Be a nice guy - this is an obvious one but the more you are nice to a girl the more she will get to love you.
Hand make her a card on her birthday.
Get tickets to her favorite show.
Make sure you do something nice for her everyday.
5. Space space space - if she wants to go out with her friends be cool about it. Love grows not when people are chained together but when they come together like magnets.
Don't play hard to get or ignore her, but just let her do her own thing and she will love you for it.
Final thoughts.
If you follow all the step in this article you will have a much better chance of working out how to get a girl to love you. Once you meet the perfect woman make sure you continue to show her you appreciate her every day and her love will grow over time.
Affair-Proof Your Relationship
There are various critical moments in a relationship, therefore it is important to do our best in order to preserve the spotless relation with our partner. This can be done in various ways, compromises and small acts. Increasing the chance for an affair that can ruin a marriage or the love life of a couple can occur due to various reasons. In order to be avoid similar disasters it is highly recommended to learn more about our spouse or partner and find the best solutions to handle various problems. Finances, love life as well as human relationships can affect the future of a couple. If you are willing to affair-proof your relationship make sure you find out some of the professional methods offered to offer solution for different crises.
Affairs are often some of the triggering factors of breakup and divorce. As a consequence partners should be prepared for the occurrence of a similar tragedy. However it seems that this might not be enough to prevent their appearance, instead hard work and ambition is also necessary. Various problems can interfere and weaken a relationship, a series of similar conflicts can lead to imminent separation and would leave the partners with an irreversible trauma. The common relationship problems might occur due to money, profession as well as love life.
Those who are open and willing to improve the strong between with the partner will minimize the chances for an affair. Spare yourself of the endless conflicts and pain with the top methods on how to affair-proof your relationship. Refuse to wait until this event happens instead polish your communication and compromising skills. Infidelity can be one of the warning signs and more, of the drama that takes place in your relationship. These are some of the main tricks to consider when it comes of saving your relationship or marriage from an eventual affair.
Discuss Conflicts
There are various relationships that consider differences and conflicts a taboo subject. In this case lack of communication can lead to endless problems that might be for a while suppressed then come to surface in eruption.
This can lead to distrust as well as pain and misunderstanding. Those who would like to spare themselves of the trauma of an affair should think about the importance of discussing conflicts
Therefore it's unnecessary and more, harmful to sweep the various opinion differences as well as problems under the carpet as the best solution to get rid of them. Instead reveal your cards and tell your problem, also listen to the problems of your partner. This is in fact one of the basic and also most important step towards success.
Devote Time for Common Activities
A relationship is built on strong ground if the partners consider it equally important to spend time with each other. In case one of them feels more confident when apart, problems might pop up in series. An affair is often the indirect result of lack of time spent together and sharing the interest and fondness for various things and hobbies. Though it is also important to give spare time and independence to the partner it is also paramount to don't let our profession take over the leading position in our value system. Find activities and fun programs that would offer the same pleasure to both of you and would be perfect to talk and know each other more.
Love is Friendship
It might sound too simple that love is in fact the upgraded version of a relationship. However the truth is as professionals claim, that the best marriage and strong bond is based on trust, communication as well as common interest. Partners who would like to dive into the depth of the secret of a harmonious partnership should also consider the problems, share the joy with their love.
Engaging into the same activities as before is still important in order to preserve the spotless and blooming bond with our partner. The harmony deserves working for, therefore make sure you do your best to understand the motives of your partner both when the relationship is in a high and also when it in a low period.
Consider Stress Factors
People under stress might act weird and irrationally. In case you think only you can be the one who deserves some sympathy when dealing with problems learn that it is not so in fact when you are engaged in a relationship. It is also important to understands the main triggering factors that would generate stress in the case of your partner. Make sure you offer the proper moral support when it comes of family traumas, financial issues as well as work-related stress. Be not only a spouse but also a friend, be patient and indulgent when he/she needs some time spent alone. Also be aware of the main signs that something is wrong in your relationship, don't take love and harmony for granted.
Affairs are often some of the triggering factors of breakup and divorce. As a consequence partners should be prepared for the occurrence of a similar tragedy. However it seems that this might not be enough to prevent their appearance, instead hard work and ambition is also necessary. Various problems can interfere and weaken a relationship, a series of similar conflicts can lead to imminent separation and would leave the partners with an irreversible trauma. The common relationship problems might occur due to money, profession as well as love life.
Those who are open and willing to improve the strong between with the partner will minimize the chances for an affair. Spare yourself of the endless conflicts and pain with the top methods on how to affair-proof your relationship. Refuse to wait until this event happens instead polish your communication and compromising skills. Infidelity can be one of the warning signs and more, of the drama that takes place in your relationship. These are some of the main tricks to consider when it comes of saving your relationship or marriage from an eventual affair.
Discuss Conflicts
There are various relationships that consider differences and conflicts a taboo subject. In this case lack of communication can lead to endless problems that might be for a while suppressed then come to surface in eruption.
This can lead to distrust as well as pain and misunderstanding. Those who would like to spare themselves of the trauma of an affair should think about the importance of discussing conflicts
Therefore it's unnecessary and more, harmful to sweep the various opinion differences as well as problems under the carpet as the best solution to get rid of them. Instead reveal your cards and tell your problem, also listen to the problems of your partner. This is in fact one of the basic and also most important step towards success.
Devote Time for Common Activities
A relationship is built on strong ground if the partners consider it equally important to spend time with each other. In case one of them feels more confident when apart, problems might pop up in series. An affair is often the indirect result of lack of time spent together and sharing the interest and fondness for various things and hobbies. Though it is also important to give spare time and independence to the partner it is also paramount to don't let our profession take over the leading position in our value system. Find activities and fun programs that would offer the same pleasure to both of you and would be perfect to talk and know each other more.
Love is Friendship
It might sound too simple that love is in fact the upgraded version of a relationship. However the truth is as professionals claim, that the best marriage and strong bond is based on trust, communication as well as common interest. Partners who would like to dive into the depth of the secret of a harmonious partnership should also consider the problems, share the joy with their love.
Engaging into the same activities as before is still important in order to preserve the spotless and blooming bond with our partner. The harmony deserves working for, therefore make sure you do your best to understand the motives of your partner both when the relationship is in a high and also when it in a low period.
Consider Stress Factors
People under stress might act weird and irrationally. In case you think only you can be the one who deserves some sympathy when dealing with problems learn that it is not so in fact when you are engaged in a relationship. It is also important to understands the main triggering factors that would generate stress in the case of your partner. Make sure you offer the proper moral support when it comes of family traumas, financial issues as well as work-related stress. Be not only a spouse but also a friend, be patient and indulgent when he/she needs some time spent alone. Also be aware of the main signs that something is wrong in your relationship, don't take love and harmony for granted.
Signs A Guy Likes You
Most guys if not all men are generally a proud lot and will not easily admit to liking or being in love with a woman they are dating. Question is, how then can you tell if your man feels the same way you do?
Well, try judging by the way he treats you when in the company of his closest friends. When a guy is deeply in love with you, he will tell his closest friends.
Guys generally find it much easier admitting their love for a woman to a close friend than in telling the woman they are in love with. He's most likely in love with you if he lets you meet some of his close friends. If his guy friends treat you with respect, do not seem to alienate you during conversations even in his absence, it is probably a sign he told them how he truly feels about you.
Nothing in this world will stop a guy in love from treating his lady like a queen when in the company of his friends. Judging by the general reactions and comments of some of his closest friends, you will know if your man shares the same love you have for him.
If a guy likes you, he will definitely call you when he asks for and you give him your phone number. Don't worry if he doesn't call you the same day, as he probably does not want to appear to be too desperate.
If he truly felt something for you, it will not take long for him to call you and ask how you are doing, and even ask you out on a date.
Do you sometimes catch him unawares staring at you when in a social or public place? Well, it is probably signs of the guy's interest in you.
If it is the first time you are meeting the guy and he likes you, he will most likely find an ingenious way to approach you and introduce himself. If by any unlikely chance he doesn't end up asking for your phone number, chances are he may be shy.
Don't worry, if he likes you and you somehow feel attracted to him, nothing will stop the guy from tracking you down. This you can tell judging by what he asks you like say 'are you from around here?'
When your man is in love with you, he may admit and tell you openly how he truly feels. If he doesn't do that and you are wondering or even doubting his love, chances are, he most probably told you he loves you and you missed it during a conversation or an argument you recently had with him. Always try to listen closely to what he tells you and mince his words carefully.
Reason most guys find it hard to openly admit their love or state how they truly feel towards a woman they are dating is due to fear of rejection.
If you like a guy and are in a steady relationship with him, it is in the best interest of the both of you, for you to constantly reassure him of your true love and affection.
Constantly flirting with other guys in his presence may hurt his man ego and limit his trust towards you. Make your guy feel he's the only one for you and that your relationship with him is equally important to you. Do that and he will reciprocate and tell you how he truly feels about you and even say I love you.
If you meet a guy you like and feel courageous enough to want to approach and seduce him, stop! A guy will most likely warm up to your advances but in the back of the guy's mind, he will most likely end up dismissing you as being either too desperate or loose, and not his type of woman to date, even though he may have felt something for you too.
Though it is not bad to let a guy know you like and want him. Just lead him to believing he's the one chasing after your love. No matter whether he's a Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Cancer, or a Capricorn, guys have a natural tendency to be the hunter and not the prey. If you lure him into seducing you, chances are you will most likely end up winning over his heart and love just like you desired.
Watch how you dress in public places especially when you are intent on getting a date with a guy, and hope for a lasting relationship. Most men will easily give in to a date with a skimpily dressed woman just to have fun with her then dump her later.
Publicly displaying too much of your body assets will only make you end up with guys genuinely not interested in how you feel, but who's only interest in you, is in the way you look.
If you seek a long-term relationship with a guy you really like, dress well while in a social or public place.
If a guy tells you that he likes or loves you, it will be in your best interest to believe him. Doubting your guy or even making him feel like you are not good enough for him, will go along way in alienating him from you than in strengthening your relationship bond. The reason he's with you and not another woman is because he likes and loves you.
Finally, if a guy tells you he likes you but you don't feel the same way he does, it is best you tell him. A guy will take it as a challenge to continue chasing after a woman or girl they like even if she does not like him and gives him a hard time, hoping she will one day reciprocate and admit to liking or even loving him too.
You can not force any good man to love you. If you are looking for your Mr. right, he may just be the guy you just met or are currently seeing. Show or teach the man how you want to be loved and you will discover true love.
Well, try judging by the way he treats you when in the company of his closest friends. When a guy is deeply in love with you, he will tell his closest friends.
Guys generally find it much easier admitting their love for a woman to a close friend than in telling the woman they are in love with. He's most likely in love with you if he lets you meet some of his close friends. If his guy friends treat you with respect, do not seem to alienate you during conversations even in his absence, it is probably a sign he told them how he truly feels about you.
Nothing in this world will stop a guy in love from treating his lady like a queen when in the company of his friends. Judging by the general reactions and comments of some of his closest friends, you will know if your man shares the same love you have for him.
If a guy likes you, he will definitely call you when he asks for and you give him your phone number. Don't worry if he doesn't call you the same day, as he probably does not want to appear to be too desperate.
If he truly felt something for you, it will not take long for him to call you and ask how you are doing, and even ask you out on a date.
Do you sometimes catch him unawares staring at you when in a social or public place? Well, it is probably signs of the guy's interest in you.
If it is the first time you are meeting the guy and he likes you, he will most likely find an ingenious way to approach you and introduce himself. If by any unlikely chance he doesn't end up asking for your phone number, chances are he may be shy.
Don't worry, if he likes you and you somehow feel attracted to him, nothing will stop the guy from tracking you down. This you can tell judging by what he asks you like say 'are you from around here?'
When your man is in love with you, he may admit and tell you openly how he truly feels. If he doesn't do that and you are wondering or even doubting his love, chances are, he most probably told you he loves you and you missed it during a conversation or an argument you recently had with him. Always try to listen closely to what he tells you and mince his words carefully.
Reason most guys find it hard to openly admit their love or state how they truly feel towards a woman they are dating is due to fear of rejection.
If you like a guy and are in a steady relationship with him, it is in the best interest of the both of you, for you to constantly reassure him of your true love and affection.
Constantly flirting with other guys in his presence may hurt his man ego and limit his trust towards you. Make your guy feel he's the only one for you and that your relationship with him is equally important to you. Do that and he will reciprocate and tell you how he truly feels about you and even say I love you.
If you meet a guy you like and feel courageous enough to want to approach and seduce him, stop! A guy will most likely warm up to your advances but in the back of the guy's mind, he will most likely end up dismissing you as being either too desperate or loose, and not his type of woman to date, even though he may have felt something for you too.
Though it is not bad to let a guy know you like and want him. Just lead him to believing he's the one chasing after your love. No matter whether he's a Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Cancer, or a Capricorn, guys have a natural tendency to be the hunter and not the prey. If you lure him into seducing you, chances are you will most likely end up winning over his heart and love just like you desired.
Watch how you dress in public places especially when you are intent on getting a date with a guy, and hope for a lasting relationship. Most men will easily give in to a date with a skimpily dressed woman just to have fun with her then dump her later.
Publicly displaying too much of your body assets will only make you end up with guys genuinely not interested in how you feel, but who's only interest in you, is in the way you look.
If you seek a long-term relationship with a guy you really like, dress well while in a social or public place.
If a guy tells you that he likes or loves you, it will be in your best interest to believe him. Doubting your guy or even making him feel like you are not good enough for him, will go along way in alienating him from you than in strengthening your relationship bond. The reason he's with you and not another woman is because he likes and loves you.
Finally, if a guy tells you he likes you but you don't feel the same way he does, it is best you tell him. A guy will take it as a challenge to continue chasing after a woman or girl they like even if she does not like him and gives him a hard time, hoping she will one day reciprocate and admit to liking or even loving him too.
You can not force any good man to love you. If you are looking for your Mr. right, he may just be the guy you just met or are currently seeing. Show or teach the man how you want to be loved and you will discover true love.
how to,
love is,
love tips,
Signs A Guy Likes You
Solve Relationship Problems with Communication
Communication is an essential skill that everyone needs to develop in order to have satisfying relationships. We are social beings and our likeability depends on how skillfully we manage to get our message across and how effectively we can express our feelings. Because our personal relationships greatly determine how successful we feel in our lives, we need to master the fine art of effective communication.
Romantic relationships can be wonderful especially in the beginning when we tend to see only the best sides of our partner's personality. However,as the relationship begins to develop with the passage of time,problems might start to emerge. Unsolved problems lead to relationship crises and poorly managed conflicts are the ideal recipe for disaster.
While relationship problems can be very varied there are some universal skills that we can use to turn an ugly conflict into a resounding success. Here are a few of those skills:
Non-prejudicial listening Conflicts often emerge because during a conversation we misinterpret what the other person is saying. If the topic of the conversation is important to us it's easy to feel hurt instantly,before we even start thinking about asking for an explanation. If we ask for an explanation while our state of mind is altered by the negative feelings that began to emerge,the conflict will only continue to escalate.
Therefore, it's important to wait until you calm down a bit before you continue the conversation or,better yet, to decide that you will put your feelings aside and you will listen without any prejudice to your partner's side of the story.
Emotional interpretation
It is important to realize that negative emotions carry important messages that must not be ignored. To understand these messages we must analyze these emotion properly because analyzing offers the best course for action.
To get rid of negative feelings we need to change either our perspective or our procedure. We might have misinterpreted our partner's behavior in which case changing our perspective is the answer. If our perspective is not the problem, then we need to change our procedure,which might mean that we need to communicate our needs and and desires better,to analyze our standards or to correct our behavior.
Non-accusatory language
When communicating to our partner about a conflict you might unintentionally use words that might force your partner to get defensive. To prevent that from happening try using a moderate tone and use a language that emphasizes your feelings without sounding like an accusation.
To achieve this try not to use generalizations like always and never and also express yourself by saying, for example ”I feel hurt when you...” instead of “you always/never do.... ”.This kind of language shows that you take personal responsibility for your feelings without seeking to blame the other person.
Romantic relationships can be wonderful especially in the beginning when we tend to see only the best sides of our partner's personality. However,as the relationship begins to develop with the passage of time,problems might start to emerge. Unsolved problems lead to relationship crises and poorly managed conflicts are the ideal recipe for disaster.
While relationship problems can be very varied there are some universal skills that we can use to turn an ugly conflict into a resounding success. Here are a few of those skills:
Non-prejudicial listening Conflicts often emerge because during a conversation we misinterpret what the other person is saying. If the topic of the conversation is important to us it's easy to feel hurt instantly,before we even start thinking about asking for an explanation. If we ask for an explanation while our state of mind is altered by the negative feelings that began to emerge,the conflict will only continue to escalate.
Therefore, it's important to wait until you calm down a bit before you continue the conversation or,better yet, to decide that you will put your feelings aside and you will listen without any prejudice to your partner's side of the story.
Emotional interpretation
It is important to realize that negative emotions carry important messages that must not be ignored. To understand these messages we must analyze these emotion properly because analyzing offers the best course for action.
To get rid of negative feelings we need to change either our perspective or our procedure. We might have misinterpreted our partner's behavior in which case changing our perspective is the answer. If our perspective is not the problem, then we need to change our procedure,which might mean that we need to communicate our needs and and desires better,to analyze our standards or to correct our behavior.
Non-accusatory language
When communicating to our partner about a conflict you might unintentionally use words that might force your partner to get defensive. To prevent that from happening try using a moderate tone and use a language that emphasizes your feelings without sounding like an accusation.
To achieve this try not to use generalizations like always and never and also express yourself by saying, for example ”I feel hurt when you...” instead of “you always/never do.... ”.This kind of language shows that you take personal responsibility for your feelings without seeking to blame the other person.
Love Quote
On a rainy day, you're cozied up in the bed reading a book and listening to some of your favorite love songs. You know these songs by heart because you like their lyrics and listen to them at least twice in a go. There are many love songs which are made everyday by thousands of famous singers. But only a few strike the chord and stay in our memory for a long time. Some of the very famous love quotes from songs are used as phrases on many occasions. You can use them on cards, for proposals, anniversaries and many other occasions when you want to tell your loved ones, how precious they are to you. Given below are a few cute love quotes from songs which can be used with respect to telling your feelings out!
Famous Love Quotes from Songs
There are many famous singers like Elton John, Elvis Presley and Bryan Adams who are very well known for their love songs. Their lyrics are meaningful and soul touching, through which every individual finds something common in them. Like these there are many others too who have been able to touch millions of hearts through mere words which describe love perfectly. Find some such wonderful love quotes from songs put together just for you in the following paragraphs. Read more on sweet quotes from songs.
"The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all." ~ (When you say nothing at all) ~ Ronan Keating
"When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship out on the sea
Thou who rulest when wanted
Stand by me
When I'm growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I do the best I can
And my friends misunderstand
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me." ~ (Stand by me) ~ Elvis Presley
"In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
And in my heart will always be a place for you,
For all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am there you'll be." ~ (There You'll Be) ~ Faith Hill
"And when the storms came through
They found me and you
Back together
And when the sun would shine
It was yours and mine.
Yours and mine forever." ~ (Oh, How the Years Go By) ~ Vanessa Williams
"I do swear that I'll always be there.
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better for worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart.
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on." ~ (From this moment on) ~ Shania Twain
Sad Love Quotes from Songs
There are many such sad love quotes from songs which have very sad references. Take a look at a few such good love quotes from songs which describe the pain and agony of love! Also read about some best quotes from songs.
"Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
You'd tell me this was love.
It's not the way I hoped
Or how I planned
But somehow it's enough." ~ (Save the Best for Last) ~ Vanessa Williams
"So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
There's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me, is against the odds
And that's what I've got to face." ~ (Against all Odds) ~ Phil Collins
"A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face.
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me." ~ (Here without you) ~ 3 Doors Down
I am sure these great love quotes from songs refreshed some lovely memories for you. You can add some more love quotes to this list if you like a few choruses from love songs!
Famous Love Quotes from Songs
There are many famous singers like Elton John, Elvis Presley and Bryan Adams who are very well known for their love songs. Their lyrics are meaningful and soul touching, through which every individual finds something common in them. Like these there are many others too who have been able to touch millions of hearts through mere words which describe love perfectly. Find some such wonderful love quotes from songs put together just for you in the following paragraphs. Read more on sweet quotes from songs.
"The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all." ~ (When you say nothing at all) ~ Ronan Keating
"When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship out on the sea
Thou who rulest when wanted
Stand by me
When I'm growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I do the best I can
And my friends misunderstand
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me." ~ (Stand by me) ~ Elvis Presley
"In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
And in my heart will always be a place for you,
For all my life
I'll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am there you'll be." ~ (There You'll Be) ~ Faith Hill
"And when the storms came through
They found me and you
Back together
And when the sun would shine
It was yours and mine.
Yours and mine forever." ~ (Oh, How the Years Go By) ~ Vanessa Williams
"I do swear that I'll always be there.
I'd give anything and everything and I will always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow,
for better for worse, I will love you with
every beat of my heart.
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on." ~ (From this moment on) ~ Shania Twain
Sad Love Quotes from Songs
There are many such sad love quotes from songs which have very sad references. Take a look at a few such good love quotes from songs which describe the pain and agony of love! Also read about some best quotes from songs.
"Cause there was a time when all I did was wish
You'd tell me this was love.
It's not the way I hoped
Or how I planned
But somehow it's enough." ~ (Save the Best for Last) ~ Vanessa Williams
"So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
There's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
So take a look at me now
'Cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me, is against the odds
And that's what I've got to face." ~ (Against all Odds) ~ Phil Collins
"A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face.
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me." ~ (Here without you) ~ 3 Doors Down
I am sure these great love quotes from songs refreshed some lovely memories for you. You can add some more love quotes to this list if you like a few choruses from love songs!
The Ways Men Say "I Love You"
Women long to hear men say those special words, "I love you". But to men they mean many different things. Men have other ways of saying "I love you." This article explores how they do it and what those words can mean to them.
"I can sleep with her, marry her, take care of her, but love – that’s something else," said Tony, a married man in his late forties. "Guys don’t like to talk about love. They don’t know what to say. Of course guys do love. But they express it differently."
Despite this fact, most women do not feel happy unless they hear those golden words, I love you. Men need to hear them as well. And yet, as much as men want love, many fight it to the last minute. Love can make men feel vulnerable, childlike, and unable to do what’s expected of them.
Yet, naturally, men do love and different types of men express their love differently. A woman needs to be alert to who the man she is with is, and what love means to him. Here are five different ways that men express what they are feeling.
The first way is simply by saying "I Love You." Actually, saying these words is a huge step for some men. It means a lot more than simply expressing a feeling. For some it feels like a life commitment, for others it is fraught with danger.
"When I say I love you," said Steve, "I feel like I’m taking my life in my hands and giving it to her. It’s scary. I’ve got to really trust her and know she won’t throw my love away in order to actually say the words to her." In this case the fear of rejection comes up strongly. Rejection is enormously painful for most men, and saying "I Love You", can be an invitation to be hurt. Most men must feel very secure in the relationship and in the woman’s feelings for him, before he’ll dare say those words.
For others, saying "I love you," means, I’m offering a commitment. I’m going to be here to do things for you. For many men, love is expressed through action, so these words are a promise of what is to follow. Simply by saying these words they feel they are agreeing to be there to give to her and support her. If they don’t do it, they’ll feel like a heel.
For others, the words means, I’m not leaving, or I’ll always be faithful. This can be very scary for some men. They feel the words themselves are a promise, and if the promise is broken, they will suffer as well.
However, there is another type of man, who enjoys falling in love and letting the world know it. These men will say "I Love You" easily. There are many different motives behind their words though. Some say it to get a woman to make love with him, others to enter into a romantic fantasy, some to feel as though they are a great lover. By saying these words, some seem to be offering the woman the world, (that they have no intention of giving). Others say it just for the sheer pleasure of seeing how good it makes the woman feel, and how effective he feels as well.
When a woman hears those precious words, she should step back a moment and put them in context. What do they mean to this particular man, and are there other ways she might also realize that he is expressing his love for her?
Another way men express their love is through bringing gifts to the woman. There are many different kinds of gifts a man can give. The obvious ones include those wrapped in packages, candy, flowers, special notes. But there are others that a woman may or may not be aware of. For example, for some men, giving their time to you, is a gift. When they spend more time with you, and less with family and friends, this is their way of saying they love you.
A different way some men express their love is by standing up for you during a difficult time, attending important functions with you, going with you to your family, planning trips, dates or outings, and putting you first in their thoughts. These behaviors are often indicators that the man cares a great deal.
Believe it or not, some men express their love through being jealous, or possessive. They do not want to share your attention. It is especially upsetting to these men if you speak of or look at other guys.
Although being controlled is not being loved, to many men and women, the two overlap. Many women feel cared for when the man wants is possessive of her. "It’s a sign that he cares a great deal," said Renee. "Sure, it can be annoying that he’s so controlling, but if he wasn’t, truthfully, I don’t think I’d feel loved or cared about." For Renee this kind of behavior produces a sense of security. It lets her know she’s on his mind and translates this to mean that he cares.
Although this trait can get out of hand, when it is just part of the overall equation, it often is the way a man expresses his involvement and love. He doesn’t want to lose you. He wants to be the most important person in your life and to be on your mind all the time. If he is, he feels loved as well.
Other men say "I love you" by being affectionate and making love to you. After being intimate they feel as though they’ve loved you, and often feel loved as well. The physical contact breaks down barriers and provides a feeling of closeness that they do not feel otherwise. Some women require hearing words of love spoken when they are being intimate. This is a complex area, because sex can mean so many different things to different individuals. But for many men love means meeting her needs and having his needs met as well. They feel that if the sex is good, everything else will fall into place. Sex can be a sensitive barometer to what’s going on in all aspects of the relationship.
Another way of saying "I Love You" is taking you home to meet the family, (and/or close, meaningful friends). Not only does it say that he’s proud of you, but he wants to connect you with the people who mean the most to him. This is often a sign that you are becoming a significant part of his life.
Other men compartmentalize relationships, they have someone for dating, someone for sex, someone else for the kind of love that leads to marriage. By being aware of the people in his life that he introduces you to, and includes you with, you can get a good idea of how he operates in this area. Does he want you in all parts of his life, or is this a limited relationship? Love, in the deepest sense, includes sharing all parts of ourselves with another.
It is helpful to keep a little journal of your relationship. So many acts and expressions of love go unnoticed and unfelt, because we simply get used to them, or are too busy to stop and take note – or to stop and say thank you. In the journal of your relationship, take a few minutes to note, what you received that day, and also what you gave. Write it down. Be specific. List everything, like phone calls, kind words, a surprise visit, etc. It will be amazing to you to realize all the ways your partner is giving to you, and it will be wonderful to find new ways to give back to him.
"I can sleep with her, marry her, take care of her, but love – that’s something else," said Tony, a married man in his late forties. "Guys don’t like to talk about love. They don’t know what to say. Of course guys do love. But they express it differently."
Despite this fact, most women do not feel happy unless they hear those golden words, I love you. Men need to hear them as well. And yet, as much as men want love, many fight it to the last minute. Love can make men feel vulnerable, childlike, and unable to do what’s expected of them.
Yet, naturally, men do love and different types of men express their love differently. A woman needs to be alert to who the man she is with is, and what love means to him. Here are five different ways that men express what they are feeling.
The first way is simply by saying "I Love You." Actually, saying these words is a huge step for some men. It means a lot more than simply expressing a feeling. For some it feels like a life commitment, for others it is fraught with danger.
"When I say I love you," said Steve, "I feel like I’m taking my life in my hands and giving it to her. It’s scary. I’ve got to really trust her and know she won’t throw my love away in order to actually say the words to her." In this case the fear of rejection comes up strongly. Rejection is enormously painful for most men, and saying "I Love You", can be an invitation to be hurt. Most men must feel very secure in the relationship and in the woman’s feelings for him, before he’ll dare say those words.
For others, saying "I love you," means, I’m offering a commitment. I’m going to be here to do things for you. For many men, love is expressed through action, so these words are a promise of what is to follow. Simply by saying these words they feel they are agreeing to be there to give to her and support her. If they don’t do it, they’ll feel like a heel.
For others, the words means, I’m not leaving, or I’ll always be faithful. This can be very scary for some men. They feel the words themselves are a promise, and if the promise is broken, they will suffer as well.
However, there is another type of man, who enjoys falling in love and letting the world know it. These men will say "I Love You" easily. There are many different motives behind their words though. Some say it to get a woman to make love with him, others to enter into a romantic fantasy, some to feel as though they are a great lover. By saying these words, some seem to be offering the woman the world, (that they have no intention of giving). Others say it just for the sheer pleasure of seeing how good it makes the woman feel, and how effective he feels as well.
When a woman hears those precious words, she should step back a moment and put them in context. What do they mean to this particular man, and are there other ways she might also realize that he is expressing his love for her?
Another way men express their love is through bringing gifts to the woman. There are many different kinds of gifts a man can give. The obvious ones include those wrapped in packages, candy, flowers, special notes. But there are others that a woman may or may not be aware of. For example, for some men, giving their time to you, is a gift. When they spend more time with you, and less with family and friends, this is their way of saying they love you.
A different way some men express their love is by standing up for you during a difficult time, attending important functions with you, going with you to your family, planning trips, dates or outings, and putting you first in their thoughts. These behaviors are often indicators that the man cares a great deal.
Believe it or not, some men express their love through being jealous, or possessive. They do not want to share your attention. It is especially upsetting to these men if you speak of or look at other guys.
Although being controlled is not being loved, to many men and women, the two overlap. Many women feel cared for when the man wants is possessive of her. "It’s a sign that he cares a great deal," said Renee. "Sure, it can be annoying that he’s so controlling, but if he wasn’t, truthfully, I don’t think I’d feel loved or cared about." For Renee this kind of behavior produces a sense of security. It lets her know she’s on his mind and translates this to mean that he cares.
Although this trait can get out of hand, when it is just part of the overall equation, it often is the way a man expresses his involvement and love. He doesn’t want to lose you. He wants to be the most important person in your life and to be on your mind all the time. If he is, he feels loved as well.
Other men say "I love you" by being affectionate and making love to you. After being intimate they feel as though they’ve loved you, and often feel loved as well. The physical contact breaks down barriers and provides a feeling of closeness that they do not feel otherwise. Some women require hearing words of love spoken when they are being intimate. This is a complex area, because sex can mean so many different things to different individuals. But for many men love means meeting her needs and having his needs met as well. They feel that if the sex is good, everything else will fall into place. Sex can be a sensitive barometer to what’s going on in all aspects of the relationship.
Another way of saying "I Love You" is taking you home to meet the family, (and/or close, meaningful friends). Not only does it say that he’s proud of you, but he wants to connect you with the people who mean the most to him. This is often a sign that you are becoming a significant part of his life.
Other men compartmentalize relationships, they have someone for dating, someone for sex, someone else for the kind of love that leads to marriage. By being aware of the people in his life that he introduces you to, and includes you with, you can get a good idea of how he operates in this area. Does he want you in all parts of his life, or is this a limited relationship? Love, in the deepest sense, includes sharing all parts of ourselves with another.
It is helpful to keep a little journal of your relationship. So many acts and expressions of love go unnoticed and unfelt, because we simply get used to them, or are too busy to stop and take note – or to stop and say thank you. In the journal of your relationship, take a few minutes to note, what you received that day, and also what you gave. Write it down. Be specific. List everything, like phone calls, kind words, a surprise visit, etc. It will be amazing to you to realize all the ways your partner is giving to you, and it will be wonderful to find new ways to give back to him.
How to Save Your Relationship
Everyone passes through rough times during a relationship but not showing interest and not dealing with certain problems in time can lead to break-ups. Learn how to save your relationship so you can grow old with the person you love.
It is not a rare thing to want to learn how to save your relationship as giving all of your interest in saving a relationship is necessary especially if you find yourself on rocking ground.
If you feel your relationship is worth all your try it is best to do everything in your power to keep it. Sometimes just giving it your best try can make a lot of difference, so don't sit around feeling sorry, take the matter into your own hands and try your best to work things through.
What can bring your relationship on the rocks
Human nature is sometimes difficult to understand and it seems that just this is the most often cause of relationship problems. People have different expectations, like and know how to do certain things in a certain way and may react differently when found in certain situations. Some people can understand the different reactions and accept it while others find it more difficult. It is this difference which can be very difficult to accept.
People usually have their own expectations about how their relationship will look like, but anticipating your relationship is not possible. It is all the new and unexpected that makes your relationship beautiful and powerful.
Certain behaviors which are sometimes misunderstood, not expressing feelings openly, not showing respect and not paying attention to your partners needs are the most common causes of relationship trouble.
It is a proven fact that people usually want to feel protected, want to have security and trust. When these needs are not fulfilled, problems arise.
If maintaining a relationship was easy, it probably wouldn't be as fun so try and determine the cause of your relationship problems. Determining the cause is the first step to solving your problems and making your relationship even stronger.
How to save your relationship
Saving your relationship is not an easy thing to do, this is why ambition and understanding are necessary. Mutual feelings are also necessary in order to be able to salvage your relationship so try to follow these steps as best as you can:
one of the first things you need to do is identify the problems which affected and affects your relationship. Sometimes the lack of communication can lead to the development of different problems so try to discuss rationally and calmly to determine the problem or problems
try and talk whenever everyone is calm and make sure to talk with respect to your partner. Communication is known to solve a variety of problems
be specific when determining the problem, don't try to be subtle, say everything as you see it but talk, don't start blaming
if you feel that talking openly is too difficult at first try to write positive and things that bother you on a piece of paper. Make sure not to use words which will offend your partner
express your emotions and let the other person know what bothers you and what makes you happy. This way you will be able to avoid certain problems further on
try to put yourself in the other persons shoes as this way you will be able to get a better view and understanding of your partners feelings
try to pay more attention to what the other person wants and feels and if you can make a change try and make it. Adaptability is in the human nature so try to adapt yourself to your partners needs
seek professional help if you are having trouble communicating. Relationship counseling is becoming more and more popular and it can do wonders for your relationship as a professional can help you communicate
have patience and commit to your relationship and only if you care enough you will be able to make things work
Make sure before you give it your best if your relationship is worth saving. If your problems are due to abuse, whether physical or mental you should try to quit your relationship as fast as you can.
Know what you want and respect your partner so you can improve the quality of your life.
It is not a rare thing to want to learn how to save your relationship as giving all of your interest in saving a relationship is necessary especially if you find yourself on rocking ground.
If you feel your relationship is worth all your try it is best to do everything in your power to keep it. Sometimes just giving it your best try can make a lot of difference, so don't sit around feeling sorry, take the matter into your own hands and try your best to work things through.
What can bring your relationship on the rocks
Human nature is sometimes difficult to understand and it seems that just this is the most often cause of relationship problems. People have different expectations, like and know how to do certain things in a certain way and may react differently when found in certain situations. Some people can understand the different reactions and accept it while others find it more difficult. It is this difference which can be very difficult to accept.
People usually have their own expectations about how their relationship will look like, but anticipating your relationship is not possible. It is all the new and unexpected that makes your relationship beautiful and powerful.
Certain behaviors which are sometimes misunderstood, not expressing feelings openly, not showing respect and not paying attention to your partners needs are the most common causes of relationship trouble.
It is a proven fact that people usually want to feel protected, want to have security and trust. When these needs are not fulfilled, problems arise.
If maintaining a relationship was easy, it probably wouldn't be as fun so try and determine the cause of your relationship problems. Determining the cause is the first step to solving your problems and making your relationship even stronger.
How to save your relationship
Saving your relationship is not an easy thing to do, this is why ambition and understanding are necessary. Mutual feelings are also necessary in order to be able to salvage your relationship so try to follow these steps as best as you can:
one of the first things you need to do is identify the problems which affected and affects your relationship. Sometimes the lack of communication can lead to the development of different problems so try to discuss rationally and calmly to determine the problem or problems
try and talk whenever everyone is calm and make sure to talk with respect to your partner. Communication is known to solve a variety of problems
be specific when determining the problem, don't try to be subtle, say everything as you see it but talk, don't start blaming
if you feel that talking openly is too difficult at first try to write positive and things that bother you on a piece of paper. Make sure not to use words which will offend your partner
express your emotions and let the other person know what bothers you and what makes you happy. This way you will be able to avoid certain problems further on
try to put yourself in the other persons shoes as this way you will be able to get a better view and understanding of your partners feelings
try to pay more attention to what the other person wants and feels and if you can make a change try and make it. Adaptability is in the human nature so try to adapt yourself to your partners needs
seek professional help if you are having trouble communicating. Relationship counseling is becoming more and more popular and it can do wonders for your relationship as a professional can help you communicate
have patience and commit to your relationship and only if you care enough you will be able to make things work
Make sure before you give it your best if your relationship is worth saving. If your problems are due to abuse, whether physical or mental you should try to quit your relationship as fast as you can.
Know what you want and respect your partner so you can improve the quality of your life.
How to Revive Your Relationship
Romantic relationships can be a continuous source of enjoyment and fulfillment if we know how to make our relationships interesting and how to keep the initial spark alive. Although we all have busy schedules and we often feel overwhelmed by our daily responsibilities we must never forget to make love our top priority. Learn how to revive your relationship with the following tips!
At the beginning of a relationship everything seems to be perfect. Partners seem to have a boundless curiosity about each other, passion is the keyword that describes the relationship and the couple has an insatiable desire for closeness and affection. However,with the passage of time things tend to get more difficult because routine settles in and the initial enthusiasm slowly fades away.
As we develop a comfortable way to be with someone,the relationship seems to run on autopilot. Soon,we begin to lose interest, the relationship loses its spark and we become bored. If the situation continues for a long time,lovers might drift apart and even fall out of love. Emotional distance is the most serious symptom that things have began to degenerate.
What can we do to reignite the initial spark?There is no easy answer for this question as people have different personalities and situations are very diverse but there are some things we can do that can help us get back on the right track. Here are a few of those things:
Communicate your desires
The first step in solving any relationship problem is to recognize the problem and to identify its causes. Talk to your partner about the situation you are in and try to determine why the problem appeared.
Think about how your ideal relationship would look like and try to communicate your desires to your partner. Don't expect him to know how to make you happy and be specific about your desires. Try to think about certain things that contributed to your excitement in the first phases your relationship and try to find other things that currently fit your needs. Ask your partner to do the same and then try to find ways to fulfill those needs for both of you.
Express appreciation
One of the deepest cravings ingrained in our subconscious mind is the desire to be appreciated. This craving is universal regardless of our social status,our popularity or our level of success. Reminding our partner why we appreciate him is one of the surest way to improve the relationship.
By showing appreciation we bring positive feelings to the relationship and we increase the chances of being more appreciated ourselves. Remember the law of attraction:the more you focus on the things we want in our life the more we increase the chances of manifesting those things.
Initiate surprises
The element of surprise is one of the first things that fades away in a relationship. To keep the relationship interesting we should always find ways to surprise our partner. Whether you buy tickets for an activity you both enjoy, take him on a date or you plan a surprise party for him it does not matter as long as it is something your partner wouldn't expect. Don't ever underestimate the power of frequent small surprises. They have an amazing power and if you are creative enough they can be one of the most powerful tools you can use to reignite passion.
Dress up for your partner
Men usually appreciate the effort we invest in our appearance. Although we tend to pay attention to our appearance especially in the beginning of the relationship and we dress up only on special occasions it is important to always take care of our appearance. Dressing up for him when it's not special occasion will surely be a pleasant surprise.
At the beginning of a relationship everything seems to be perfect. Partners seem to have a boundless curiosity about each other, passion is the keyword that describes the relationship and the couple has an insatiable desire for closeness and affection. However,with the passage of time things tend to get more difficult because routine settles in and the initial enthusiasm slowly fades away.
As we develop a comfortable way to be with someone,the relationship seems to run on autopilot. Soon,we begin to lose interest, the relationship loses its spark and we become bored. If the situation continues for a long time,lovers might drift apart and even fall out of love. Emotional distance is the most serious symptom that things have began to degenerate.
What can we do to reignite the initial spark?There is no easy answer for this question as people have different personalities and situations are very diverse but there are some things we can do that can help us get back on the right track. Here are a few of those things:
Communicate your desires
The first step in solving any relationship problem is to recognize the problem and to identify its causes. Talk to your partner about the situation you are in and try to determine why the problem appeared.
Think about how your ideal relationship would look like and try to communicate your desires to your partner. Don't expect him to know how to make you happy and be specific about your desires. Try to think about certain things that contributed to your excitement in the first phases your relationship and try to find other things that currently fit your needs. Ask your partner to do the same and then try to find ways to fulfill those needs for both of you.
Express appreciation
One of the deepest cravings ingrained in our subconscious mind is the desire to be appreciated. This craving is universal regardless of our social status,our popularity or our level of success. Reminding our partner why we appreciate him is one of the surest way to improve the relationship.
By showing appreciation we bring positive feelings to the relationship and we increase the chances of being more appreciated ourselves. Remember the law of attraction:the more you focus on the things we want in our life the more we increase the chances of manifesting those things.
Initiate surprises
The element of surprise is one of the first things that fades away in a relationship. To keep the relationship interesting we should always find ways to surprise our partner. Whether you buy tickets for an activity you both enjoy, take him on a date or you plan a surprise party for him it does not matter as long as it is something your partner wouldn't expect. Don't ever underestimate the power of frequent small surprises. They have an amazing power and if you are creative enough they can be one of the most powerful tools you can use to reignite passion.
Dress up for your partner
Men usually appreciate the effort we invest in our appearance. Although we tend to pay attention to our appearance especially in the beginning of the relationship and we dress up only on special occasions it is important to always take care of our appearance. Dressing up for him when it's not special occasion will surely be a pleasant surprise.
Value the time you spend together but make time for your hobbies
It is essential to make the most of the time you spend together and to make sure that you have a good time together but it's also important to make time for your hobbies and give the relationship the space it needs to grow. Encourage your partner to make time for his hobbies and make sure you include some separate activities in your weekly routine.
It is essential to make the most of the time you spend together and to make sure that you have a good time together but it's also important to make time for your hobbies and give the relationship the space it needs to grow. Encourage your partner to make time for his hobbies and make sure you include some separate activities in your weekly routine.
How to Overcome Jealousy in a Relationship
Few things can ruin a relationship faster than excessive jealousy. While a little jealousy now and then is generally a good thing as it is interpreted as a sign of caring, frequent episodes of jealousy are usually considered as a sign of a controlling personality and insecurity. Learning to deal with jealousy is an essential skill we need to master in order to be able to have healthy romantic relationships.
Unjustified jealousy is the ultimate relationship killer because it attacks the very basis of a healthy relationship, the trust factor. Feelings of jealousy are extremely tormenting both for the person experiencing these feelings as well as for the significant other who is faced with the difficult task of constantly having to reassure his/her loved one and facing distrust and suspicion on a daily basis despite his/her genuine efforts.
Although it might be hard to swallow, the truth is that excessive jealousy is the result of low self esteem and lack of self confidence. Generally, those who have low levels of self-esteem tend to have a dependent personality and have an acute need for constant reassurance and because they often experience feelings of unworthiness they tend to unconsciously sabotage every relationship they are in.
Improve your self-esteem
That's why the first step in solving the problem of jealousy in a relationship is to start developing a self-esteem. You cannot have a healthy romantic relationship without first having a good relationship with yourself.
Once you become aware of your personal worth you become more independent you are no longer paralyzed by the fear that your significant other might leave you because you no longer associate your personal worth with maintaining a certain relationship.
Once you don't base your relationships on need anymore and focus instead on giving the best possible contribution to the relationships and you make decision based on want you want instead of letting fear take over your life, great relationships start to develop.
Control your reactions and communicate with your partner
Avoid jumping to conclusions based on minor events. While this might be one of the hardest things you have to do, it's important to be able to objectively analyze your reactions and know when the jealousy you are feeling is really justified. Talk to your significant other and let him/her know about your feeling without accusing him/her of anything.
Take responsibility for your reactions and calmly tell your significant other if there are some things that she/he can do to help you overcome this problem easier. Your significant other will most likely appreciate the efforts you are making and because with this approach you will be able to keep the communication lines open, your loved one will be more likely to be supportive and understanding, making it easier for both of you to restore trust and revive your relationship.
Try couples therapy
If the situation continues to worsen despite your best efforts it's time to take more radical measures. A careful analysis of the feelings of both partners as well as the the relationship is essential in order to make a final decision. Many couples can find that excessive jealousy has brought the relationship to a critical point and maybe even beyond salvation and that breakup is the only optimal solution.
However, if the feelings are still strong and both partners are willing to deal with the problem, then couples therapy can be really helpful. Try to keep an open mind and accept your feelings without being ashamed of them. Don't be afraid of sharing your feelings and be willing to accept that it might take a lot of time to overcome this problem especially if excessive jealousy is the result of past hurtful experiences.
Unjustified jealousy is the ultimate relationship killer because it attacks the very basis of a healthy relationship, the trust factor. Feelings of jealousy are extremely tormenting both for the person experiencing these feelings as well as for the significant other who is faced with the difficult task of constantly having to reassure his/her loved one and facing distrust and suspicion on a daily basis despite his/her genuine efforts.
Although it might be hard to swallow, the truth is that excessive jealousy is the result of low self esteem and lack of self confidence. Generally, those who have low levels of self-esteem tend to have a dependent personality and have an acute need for constant reassurance and because they often experience feelings of unworthiness they tend to unconsciously sabotage every relationship they are in.
Improve your self-esteem
That's why the first step in solving the problem of jealousy in a relationship is to start developing a self-esteem. You cannot have a healthy romantic relationship without first having a good relationship with yourself.
Once you become aware of your personal worth you become more independent you are no longer paralyzed by the fear that your significant other might leave you because you no longer associate your personal worth with maintaining a certain relationship.
Once you don't base your relationships on need anymore and focus instead on giving the best possible contribution to the relationships and you make decision based on want you want instead of letting fear take over your life, great relationships start to develop.
Control your reactions and communicate with your partner
Avoid jumping to conclusions based on minor events. While this might be one of the hardest things you have to do, it's important to be able to objectively analyze your reactions and know when the jealousy you are feeling is really justified. Talk to your significant other and let him/her know about your feeling without accusing him/her of anything.
Take responsibility for your reactions and calmly tell your significant other if there are some things that she/he can do to help you overcome this problem easier. Your significant other will most likely appreciate the efforts you are making and because with this approach you will be able to keep the communication lines open, your loved one will be more likely to be supportive and understanding, making it easier for both of you to restore trust and revive your relationship.
Try couples therapy
If the situation continues to worsen despite your best efforts it's time to take more radical measures. A careful analysis of the feelings of both partners as well as the the relationship is essential in order to make a final decision. Many couples can find that excessive jealousy has brought the relationship to a critical point and maybe even beyond salvation and that breakup is the only optimal solution.
However, if the feelings are still strong and both partners are willing to deal with the problem, then couples therapy can be really helpful. Try to keep an open mind and accept your feelings without being ashamed of them. Don't be afraid of sharing your feelings and be willing to accept that it might take a lot of time to overcome this problem especially if excessive jealousy is the result of past hurtful experiences.
How to Get Over a Break-up
Getting over a break-up is not an easy thing but learning how to deal with emotions is necessary for your mental and emotional health. Find out how you can deal with a break-up so your life can go back to normal as quickly as possible.
How to get over a break-up has been a problem everyone had to deal with at least once during a lifetime. During the course of life, people try to find the right partner to spend their life with and feelings usually take over once you find the person which you believe would make you happy. Unfortunately knowing someone and discovering each other takes time, and sometimes getting to know someone better can change the initial opinion. Finding the right partner is no easy task this is why it becomes frustrating for many people.
How to react after a break-up
People have different personalities, thus a break-up can affect people differently. Some people can find themselves passing through the accommodation period much easier while others, who are more sensitive can have a very difficult time getting over the break-up.
One of the best things you can do when it comes to dealing with a break-up is accepting the situation without the blame. In a situation where a relationship just doesn't work anymore, one can just accept the situation and try to deal with it as best as one can. Blaming each other and getting depressed is certainly something that you should avoid as it will only bring more negative effects in your life. By thinking through rationally one can realize that you can't force a relationship to work and that you can make yourself pass through this.
Passing through a break-up will leave you emotional but with a little bit of will you can find yourself back with a smile and ready to meat new people.
Express yourself
When trying to pass and deal with a break-up it is best to avoid being alone as this might only aid depression. Try to follow these steps which can alleviate your emotional pain:
Express your feelings with every chance you get as keeping your emotions blocked will not do you any good. By taking people can understand better what you are going through and you will feel much more relieved, stress wise, as you have exposed all your feelings. Keeping everything in will be like having a rock on your chest and will make you feel like no one understands what you are going through
Cry whenever you feel the urge to cry as it is not a shameful thing. Crying allows you to discharge some of the energy and feelings you have bottled up, and will help you relax much more afterwords
Find support from your friends and family as they will be more than happy to be there for you. Friendship and the love offered by loved ones can help you pass through this rough period much easier
Think positive as positivity has amazing effects over the mind and body. People who think positive, who are optimistic about everything are less prone to stress and can handle different situations better than pessimists
Socialize and have fun as socializing can help distract your attention from your break-up, leaving you able to enjoy yourself and laugh
Find a psychologist to speak to if you feel like you are not slowly moving on with your life and getting over the break-up. Psychologists will be able to give you professional advice about dealing with emotions, and for most people talking to a complete stranger who can understand what they are going through feels much better
All these steps will make you feel better and make the healing process much easier. No one can expect to go through a break-up like nothing happened if feelings were involved but facing and accepting the situation will help you greatly.
How to get over a break-up has been a problem everyone had to deal with at least once during a lifetime. During the course of life, people try to find the right partner to spend their life with and feelings usually take over once you find the person which you believe would make you happy. Unfortunately knowing someone and discovering each other takes time, and sometimes getting to know someone better can change the initial opinion. Finding the right partner is no easy task this is why it becomes frustrating for many people.
How to react after a break-up
People have different personalities, thus a break-up can affect people differently. Some people can find themselves passing through the accommodation period much easier while others, who are more sensitive can have a very difficult time getting over the break-up.
One of the best things you can do when it comes to dealing with a break-up is accepting the situation without the blame. In a situation where a relationship just doesn't work anymore, one can just accept the situation and try to deal with it as best as one can. Blaming each other and getting depressed is certainly something that you should avoid as it will only bring more negative effects in your life. By thinking through rationally one can realize that you can't force a relationship to work and that you can make yourself pass through this.
Passing through a break-up will leave you emotional but with a little bit of will you can find yourself back with a smile and ready to meat new people.
Express yourself
When trying to pass and deal with a break-up it is best to avoid being alone as this might only aid depression. Try to follow these steps which can alleviate your emotional pain:
Express your feelings with every chance you get as keeping your emotions blocked will not do you any good. By taking people can understand better what you are going through and you will feel much more relieved, stress wise, as you have exposed all your feelings. Keeping everything in will be like having a rock on your chest and will make you feel like no one understands what you are going through
Cry whenever you feel the urge to cry as it is not a shameful thing. Crying allows you to discharge some of the energy and feelings you have bottled up, and will help you relax much more afterwords
Find support from your friends and family as they will be more than happy to be there for you. Friendship and the love offered by loved ones can help you pass through this rough period much easier
Think positive as positivity has amazing effects over the mind and body. People who think positive, who are optimistic about everything are less prone to stress and can handle different situations better than pessimists
Socialize and have fun as socializing can help distract your attention from your break-up, leaving you able to enjoy yourself and laugh
Find a psychologist to speak to if you feel like you are not slowly moving on with your life and getting over the break-up. Psychologists will be able to give you professional advice about dealing with emotions, and for most people talking to a complete stranger who can understand what they are going through feels much better
All these steps will make you feel better and make the healing process much easier. No one can expect to go through a break-up like nothing happened if feelings were involved but facing and accepting the situation will help you greatly.
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